The Koh Siboya Gallery
Koh Siboya is about 15km to walk around the island loop. You may very well be asked if you want a ride as the locals go about their daily routine. As life on Koh SiBoya evolves, more and more vehicles of the 4 wheel variety are arriving. This year a large portion the the main roads will become all weather cement surfaced. Rubber is the primary crop but some palm oil is making a showing as well as pineapple; diversification is definitely needed.
The Siboya Bungalows Gallery
The Siboya Bungalows property stretches along the west coast for almost a kilometer of natural beach. In addition to the Thai style bungalows there are 25 private homes scattered throughout the enclave.
Most days at about 4:30pm the staff Takraw game starts out in the court area. Everyone is welcome.
Kick back in a hammock, read a book or take a 20min walk into the main village to see real Thai life going on. Or just Goof Off!
The Krabi Town Gallery
Krabi Town is still quite Thai at it’s core, while the major growth is in the suburbs. Everyday life here, has become more rushed and busy.
The Food Gallery
Our restaurant will delight you with some of the finest Thai cooking in the South. This reputation is constantly bringing first timers and repeats to SiBoya Bungalows. Kitchen opens at 7:00am and closes at 9:00pm. The restaurant is at the waters edge in a grove of pigmy coconut palms. Drinks served till…?? Vegetarian? No problem, we can cater to everyone.
Cooking Class: Want to learn how to cook a particular dish? Just order it for lunch during a quiet time and watch it being made just for you. Take notes and maybe a video so you don’t forget